Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Art Class

The little girls and I did a little painting the other day. I think this is their favorite thing to do with me.
They can barely wait for me to get all the supplies out and set up. Carmella is by 
far the most enthusiastic artist I have. I sometimes think that she absorbed more from
the art classes I took when I was pregnant than I did! She loves to 
draw and paint, and sculpt with clay. Just look at how intense
she is while painting. 
She is seriously no nonsense!

Addie is a bit more light hearted and free with her painting. 
A little heavy handed as well. She likes to mix a lot of colors, and rainbows
have been her subject of choice as of late.

As student of the fine arts, I love taking time with my girls to 
encourage their creative sides. 

Carmella's Post Modern painting, Very Jackson Pollock like if you ask me.

Addie's Impressionist rainbow.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the concentration on Carmella's face - SO cute! What kind of paint did you use? My kids would love this!


What do ya think?