Monday, June 23, 2008

My Taste in Books?

I am now questioning my recent taste in books. I also believe the Barnes and Noble check out girl and friend Kristina are as well. And who can blame them with my two most recent purchases.

Okay, here's the scoop. I'm out on Saturday night with Kristina. Our girls night out at her

house having been canceled due to everyone getting sick. We went to

dinner and then wandered around Barnes and Noble.

I was having a hard time deciding on a book.

I have been wanting to expand my reading a little. (Something besides Harry Potter, and my usual smut free romance novels.)

I decided on this little number. When you are Engulfed in Flames. I had seen the author give an interview and the book sounded interesting to me.

I then grabbed another book. One for Jason.

The Nazis and the Occult, The Dark Forces Unleashed by the Third Reich.
For those who don't know

Jason is currently writing a Nazi Vampire book, so this choice seemed perfect for him.

I returned home eager to begin my book.

(Jason is really pleased with his)

So I cozy up on the couch with my book, and begin reading. Its cute, its funny, but wait, something seems strange. I can't quite figure it out. Oh, Now I

get it. This book is about a gay man and his boyfriend! I am mortified! I can't believe I

bought this. Kristina please tell me you didn't know

either. I must have looked so strange buying a homosexual book and a Nazi book at the same time. Needless to say I am returning my book. Hopefully next time I will make a better choice.

Monday, June 16, 2008

6 Months Old

Okay, so maybe I'm a little late, but I do have 2 other kids and she is still 6 months old after all.

So here she is Adelaide Etta, adorable baby extraordinaire!