Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Carmella, One Year Old.

My little darling turned one right at the end of my semester, so unfortunatly for her
that meant waiting for school to end to do her
one year photo shoot.
School officially ended yesterday, so this morning me and my two little girls
took off for a little photo shoot. I had a lot of fun. I think the girls did too.
 I have found my new favorite location for photos. There are so many
interesting colors and backgrounds, not to mention the cool props. I was so
excited to find the iron bathtub. How often do you
come across something that neat just sitting out
waiting for you!
 I will definitely be back for more photos in this neighborhood.
The following are my favorite five photos of Carmella. I don't know if
 I can decide which is my #1. Leave a post and let me know which you like best.


  1. DARLING! I think 2 and 3 are my favorite, but I love them ALL

  2. Where is this at?! I love the tub! You can tell she's a busy one year old. There's too much to do to sit and look at the camera. Fun action shots! I think #3 is my favorite.

  3. #3 is definitely the most artistic of the bunch. I do, however, love #2 and #4 as well. Congratulations on finishing up your classes. Woohoo, summer has arrived! Enjoy it while you can!


What do ya think?