Monday, August 11, 2008

Breaking Dawn & the Birthday Party

Breaking Dawn
Well, first things first. On Friday Aug. 1st I went out to dinner with my church friends and fellow Twilight enthusiasts, and then to the Breaking Dawn party at Borders. We had a great time being silly and discussing the ins and outs of Bella, Edward, and Jacob. Of course we ended up buying it at Walmart cause we didn't want to stand in the gianormous line at Borders.

At dinner, which was at a fantastic Italian restaurant ,I tried fried calamari for the first time ever. Now this is huge for me. I don't eat anything that came from an ocean, lake, or stream as a general rule. However I was coerced, and I actually liked it. And I have the pictures to prove it!

Surprise Party!

On Aug. 2nd, I threw Jason a surprise party. It was so much fun for me to do this. I am usually a horrible secret keeper, but I managed keep this one to myself. Jason was totally surprised, and a little confused when he walked in. Thank you to Shawn for keeping him busy for 2 hours while I hurriedly got everything ready. and thank you to Janet and Paul (my brother) for helping me.

Jason was kind enough to humor me and read some of his poetry to us, and his parents were wonderful and brought the karaoke mic for our musical enjoyment. Thanks so much to everyone who came. We had such a great night, and Jason is so honored that everyone came to see him.

1 comment:

  1. So sad we didn't get to end up making the party. Looks like so much fun! I'm sorry we missed out!


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