Monday, March 26, 2012

The good and the bad.

Do you ever have a day that you wish you could go back and do again? Or a moment at least, that you would like re-written? I experienced that today. This morning after dropping my girls off at school, I hit a little boy on his bike with my car. He is fine. He actually got on his bike and rode the rest of the way to the front of the school. I could go into a full account of what happened, but I will just say that he was a small boy, on a small bike, and I simply did not see him. I had the surreal experience of sitting in the principal's office, in my jammies, sobbing (yes, as I have stated before I am a pajama driver in the mornings), with my baby in a onsie with a snotty nose, explaining things to a police officer. I felt like a naughty child, and at the same time, an irresponsible, reckless adult. 
These feelings were even more compounded when I talked to my mom tonight and told what I had done. I truly felt like a penitent teenager who had an accident while driving her parents car. 

As awful as all of this was, I am so thankful for the good things that happened today. That I was just starting to pullout from being completely stopped when I hit him. That I only hit his back tire, and the worst injury he received was a scratched elbow that didn't even bleed. That I didn't get written a ticket, because, technically I didn't break any laws. That the school staff was so wonderfully kind to me. That I have an amazing friend who immediately drove to my house as soon as I explained what happened, and let me cry on her shoulder. Then would not leave till she could see that I was okay again. That my sweet husband didn't get upset when I told him what happened when he got home, and gave me a blessing for my peace of mind. Lastly, that I have a loving Heavenly Father who is watching over me, and this little boy, protecting us both. 
Today, I have been truly blessed. 


  1. I am sorry Sara. What an awful experience. I am so glad everyone is OK and that you have wonderful family and friends to support you.

  2. Oh Sara, I am so sorry that you had to go through this. What a traumatic experience. I'm grateful that so many wonderful people were there to help you through it. Good for you for having such a positive attitude too!

  3. So scary, Sara! I'm so glad he's okay! What an awful thing for you to have to go through!

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