Saturday, April 18, 2009

Free Cable

There are certain times in your life, maybe 2 or 3 times, when life offers you something for free. For us getting cable was one of those opportunities. Of course we didn't know we were getting it free, until we called up and asked for our bill. It was at that time when they told us we weren't even on their radar. We've been ordering movies and watching over 300 channels for free. Why OH why did we call.


  1. That's too funny. In Austin we lived in a duplex with only ONE cable hookup for both units. First WE were suckers. Hooked up cable and when the neighbors watched for free. When they moved out 6 months later we kept an eye out until new tenants were moving in. We called and cancelled our contract. Sure enough....a week later the cable guy came to switch it on. Then the scoundrel knocked on our door and asked if we would like to purchase a contract. We said no way. He left quite disgruntled. We turned on the TV and our blessed neighbors had purchased the biggest package they had to offer. They came and asked if we would split the bill with them. I said no way--we didn't care whether we had cable or not. (I knew they couldn't live without cable....muah-ha-ha!)

  2. I hope they don't make you back pay! We have a similar story but I won't write about it online- you don't know who might read this!!!!


What do ya think?