Tuesday, March 11, 2008

another poem by jason

The Yellowed Leaf
A Yellowed leaf, among the first to see the warbling's nests that lifted lilting song- whose wings have longsince primed and sailed along,is now almost forgottenby her tree.
See her sheen fade, see her hue subside. Below, thelovers' laughter lessens. Each green grass blade insuccession,by the sun is browned and dried.
Already, amber-orange leaves fall aground.Some werebuds when she was full in bloom. The winter will atlast lay all entombed,and every branch, with icybreath, enshroud.
Sunny days so few only remain. Her veteran veinshave knit an evening shawl. The yellowed leaf isbared; her siblings fall.One cherished season left toentertain.

1 comment:

  1. Sara and Jason, holy cow! I can't believe we get to actually keep in touch now. Thank you for leaving me a comment Sara, I tried to link to you somehow earlier, but I couldn't access your blog, now I can. I hope it's okay you are a link on my blog now. Let me know if it's not.
    So glad to see you all happy and well. I hope some more family members decide to jump into the blogging world. Love you guys!


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