Monday, April 18, 2011

Enter Carmella

Saturday night at 9:56pm Carmella Mae entered our world in the usual way, but lets face it, the usual way is always exciting and wonderful.

It began at about 4:00 in the morning. Contractions, nothing major or insistent, but not leaving either. The day progressed. At around 8:30 I thought my water was leaking. Off to the Midwives we go to get that checked. Baby is fine, maybe just a small or high leak. Watch it as the day goes on, but we think you are in labor for sure this time.

I spent the day watching Jason make a small patio in the front of my house. Forgot the sun was strong, that explains the farmers tan. About 5:30 call a friend to help give me a blessing. Is this baby ever going to come! 6:00 lets go get pedicures. Off I go with Julie Ann, and Valerie. Cute toes, now I'm hungry where should we eat? On second thought take me home, this is starting to hurt.

Jason, I think we need to go to the birth center now. Get Rachael to babysit, drive to Cleburne with Julie Ann, and Valerie in tow. Arrive about 8:20. Man this is really hurting!

dilated to a 4. What! it feels like more than that!

Contractions come faster, and harder. Oh Mama! That HURTS!

7 cm. Lift the belly, get in the tub, Oh that feels better, for about a second.

9:54pm, My water just broke! PAIN!!!!!!

Her heads out!

One more push, She's here, she's perfect! 9:56 pm.

Thank you Jason, Midwives, Julie Ann, and Valerie. I couldn't have done it without you.


  1. Sara, your description of the events was exactly how you handled the birth--very well composed. You're my hero.

  2. I am so happy for you and your beautiful birth. Isn't the water just wonderful? Giving birth is an amazing accomplishment and experience. It looks like Jason did great too supporting you, and how special to share that with good friends. What a gentle sweet way to welcome your lovely baby. Thanks for sharing your story and pictures.

  3. love the story! sounds like it all went well- i'm so happy for you and she is perfect! congratulations!!!

  4. What an awesome story, Sara! I am just impressed that you are not too tired to share it! I love the pictures and I also think it is great that you got a chance to share that special time with family and close friends. Babies are so wonderful. We are so lucky as women! Welcome Carmella! You have wonderful mommy :)

  5. You are wonder woman of birthing! This is so beautiful, and I love how tender Jason is through it all, such a darling family! xo

  6. What a wonderful story. I love the way you told it. The pictures are beautiful. I love the expression on your face in the picture of you holding her in the tub. I can see so many feelings in your face - pain, exhaustion, but most of all love for your new baby girl. She is so beautiful! I'm so glad I got to see her and hold her for a while the other day. Thanks for sharing:) Congratulations to your whole family!

  7. Yay!! You did it tough mama! I hope I can do it too but I'm kind of wimpy.


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